Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Object of Things-Toys in Montenegro

08/10/2011 this global exhibition was hosted by the Croatian Citizans' Society in Podgorica in beautiful Montenegro. We had the opportunity to meet many new artists and friends and experience their friendship and hospitality. The exhibition was very well received and supported by the local people and the media.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Wirral Open Studios Tour

24-25 September 2011 Istra contributed to the Open Studious tour. She showed her leaded glass panel designs and a range of acrylic miniature paintings at St Lukes in Hoylake. Istra gave demonstrations in leading glass and described various methods in manipulating glass. The event was very well received by hundreds of local visitors who visited on average 8 out of 43 artists and art studios located on the Wirral.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Istra at Northlands Creative Glass

September 2011 at Lybster in Scotland Istra attended a master class with Coppy Thompson. This was a very positive and stimulating experience at the very top of Scotland working with glass artists from many countries in a supportive and friendly atmosphere. Istra's work was inspired by a dramatic scenery of Caithness.

A figure in the landscape

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Wirral Open Studios Toure

Wirral 24-25 September 2011

Istra is one of the 38 contributors to this regional art event. This year Istra will be showing her leaded glass art work at the beautiful St Luke's church in Hoylake, Wirral U.K.
Istra is recognised for her creative diversity and interchangeable use of all art forms in her painting and glass work alike. In pieces shown here she uses fused glass and drawings in work that explores her personal and deep felt experiences of places and people in her life. She will also demonstrate making of a panel.
After graduating in art and design from Glyndwr University in Wales and after a long academic career as a psychologist Istra works and leads creative community projects in U.K. and Croatia. She is an international exhibitor. Her studio and gallery are in Croatia where she spends a part of the year working as an independent artist. This year Nina Dragan-Belić an artist from Studio Valeria in Medulin, Croatia will appear as a guest exhibitor with one painting titled 'Beach at West Kirby'.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Wirral Festival of Firsts

Between 8th and 10th July 2011 Istra contributed to organising and showing her art at Hoylake Wirral Festival of Firsts
organised by John Gorman and friends. This was a cultural event to celebrate arts on the Wirral including Art-Music—Poetry-Theatre.
This was truly amazing community event with artists participating in creating a buzzing atmosphere all around Hoylake. The following weekend events curried on in Oxton a charming Wirral place. In addition at the Birkenhead park visitor centr and as a part of the festivities Alison Bailey Smith organised De-junk, Re-junk exhibition of art made from re-claimed objects. We are now getting ready for another even grenadier event next summer at the time of the British Open Golf for Women. Please visit us next year.


Monday, 27 June 2011

Motovun mon Amour

Motovun Film Festival - World Premiere
We have shown documentary by Lothar Just and Arnold Trampe in cooperation with Istra Toner to a full cinema at the Motovun Film Festival on the 27th July. In it a number of locals and foreigners talk about the town, its past, and its future with true love and honesty. The film rises an important question: can these locals and new comers create a coherent community? This documentary tries to find out by questioning several representatives of the parties concerned. A great creative experience!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Liverpool Hope University exhibition

Alumni Art Exhibition at Liverpool Hope University was a huge success! Istra Toner showed one of her paintings 'Lybster harbour' acrylic on canvas. The exhibition took place over the weekend of 3rd-5th June. Former members and recent graduates in art exhibited their art.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

From Waste to Art

 Studio Valeria 27/04 - 02/05
Istra hosted an international exhibition of art made from found objects was shown at Loza, a 14 century gallery in Medulin, Croatia. The exhibition had a theatrical feel with interactive running commentary on the topic of environment, waste and their role as available art material. Six Croatian artists members of Studio Valeria, 2 UK, and 1 Swedish artist presented their imaginative creations. Susan Meyerhoff Sharples a 3-D artist from UK gave a presentation and a demo of her methods.


Object of things - "Igracka mog djetinjstva"

Studio Valeria 21-27 April 2011 in Medulin, Croatia hosted an international exhibition on the theme of ‘My childhood toy’. This project conceptualised and organised by Susan Meynerhoff Sharples from U.K. and first shown in Liverpool in February 2011 was extended to include six Croatian artist in addition to the six artists from U.K. one from Canada and one from Sweden. The exhibition showed an installation of artists selected toys; their art work inspired by the toy; and a memory wall that showed artists short text of their memory associated with the toy. The exhibition will next travel to Montenegro in October 2011. It is expected that the project will become a Global event and will link many different cultures.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Winter Art

Winter art in West Kirby
Happiness is self fulfilment. Doing art is one of the most fulfilling activities as it stretches imagination and broadens creativity, both associated with feeling of wellbeing. I have done plenty of it this winter together with good old and some new friends including Barbara's workshop in painting on silk ( Here are some samples.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Sunday, 23 January 2011


Wirral Open Studio Tour 12-14 November 2010
Istra is one of the thirty local artists, members of 'Artists In Our Midst' art society who this year took part in Wirral Open Studio Tour. This second year event is gaining in popularity and creating an opportunity for local artists and poets to show their work.

The same group contributed to Liverpool Biennial 2010: 18 September - 28 November 2010

For ten weeks every two years the city of Liverpool is transformed into the most amazing living gallery of new art, showcasing the best contemporary artists from around the world