Thursday, 28 April 2011

From Waste to Art

 Studio Valeria 27/04 - 02/05
Istra hosted an international exhibition of art made from found objects was shown at Loza, a 14 century gallery in Medulin, Croatia. The exhibition had a theatrical feel with interactive running commentary on the topic of environment, waste and their role as available art material. Six Croatian artists members of Studio Valeria, 2 UK, and 1 Swedish artist presented their imaginative creations. Susan Meyerhoff Sharples a 3-D artist from UK gave a presentation and a demo of her methods.


Object of things - "Igracka mog djetinjstva"

Studio Valeria 21-27 April 2011 in Medulin, Croatia hosted an international exhibition on the theme of ‘My childhood toy’. This project conceptualised and organised by Susan Meynerhoff Sharples from U.K. and first shown in Liverpool in February 2011 was extended to include six Croatian artist in addition to the six artists from U.K. one from Canada and one from Sweden. The exhibition showed an installation of artists selected toys; their art work inspired by the toy; and a memory wall that showed artists short text of their memory associated with the toy. The exhibition will next travel to Montenegro in October 2011. It is expected that the project will become a Global event and will link many different cultures.