Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wirral Festival of Firsts

07-08 July in Hoylake, Wirral U.K.
Istra contributed to this second festival of culture, art and music organized by John Gorman and friends. Istra organized an interactive group art project titled Art-by Inch in which 10 local artist participated in creating the first 10m long piece of art that was sold £1 per 1" of art at the Hoylake prom. Adriana von Runic and Ali Carter accomplished musicians contributed varied music and performed at an evening concert. Barbara, Maureen, Sheila and Istra sold most of the painting the profit of which will go toward Claire House a local children’s' hospice. 

De-junk Re-junk art from found objects

02/07/2012 art exhibition at Birkenhead visitor centre, UK.
AMAZING pieces or artwork made out of junk are on display in Wirral.Istra exhibited at this the second year at the De-junk, Re-junk exhibition, for which artists have created beautiful pieces out of rubbish, litter and other discarded items.The innovative exhibition is to show how items which otherwise would have ended up in landfill can be transformed into something else with a bit of creativity and skill. More than 30 artists and craftsmen across Merseyside are involved in the show. Artist Alison Bailey Smith organised and curates the show.
Istra Toner's work titled NOSTALGIA has been created from discarder materials including paper, cardboard, clothes and house hold decorating paints. The work questions the meaning of our need for remembering the past. Each piece leads the viewer to remembering their own past, and imagining someone from a long ago hiding their precious mementos of a special relationships under the floorboards for us to rediscover in time.